Thursday, September 24, 2009

This weekend...

When I finally get paid from my job - then, then I will really start baking. Yay for somewhat expendable income (at least enough to afford some nice chocolate and kitchen appliances).

In the meantime, the first day of fall occurred this week and I think it's time for pasta. I've decided that if I want something carbohydrate-y, I'm going to make it myself this year, and I've been craving pasta. Naturally, homemade pasta is difficult to make, but I have tried homemade gnocchi before - delicious potato pasta.

Here's I'm thinking sweet potato gnocchi, just to make it that much more healthy. Typically, it's gnocchi is served with a sage brown butter sauce. I love brown butter, in fact, I love anything sweet and caramelly - so why not go all out. I'm going to incorporate caramelized onions and garlic into a sage brown butter sauce. They will provide a more substantial sauce to hold it's own with the gnocchi.

For sweets this week, well I'm getting depressed. I've made one bad batch of cookies, one good batch, and the more I think about those brownies the less happy I realize I was with the finished product. I need to get a hand-held mixer (at least until I can get a hands-free model). Let's start with something basic, because I'd like to work on my frosting skills - Sugar cookies, simple delicious sugar cookies. Maybe with a hint of nutmeg.

Let's get it started, recipes and updates to come.

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